How to self-host a ‘VS-Code’ and to enjoy coding on an iPad


VSCode is popular, but not suitable for iPad in a native manner. This tutorial will show you how to deploy a VSCode server and connect to it on your iPad in a browser, say Google Chrome.


  • VSCodium: an open-sourced version of VSCode. Isn’t VSCode already an open-sourced project? Yes, and no. The full source code published in, whereas the binaries to downloads are not. These official binaries refer quite some proprietary libraries, say InteliSense for C++/Java/Python. Without them, we can barely do the coding.
  • Code-server: a headless version of VSCodium running on any modern Linux distribution. We will deploy it on a Linux server.
  • Certbot: an easy daemon to manage HTTPS certificates for us. It depends on snapd, a great package manager.


Suppose we are on a Ubuntu/Debian. By executing the bash scripts below, we can deploy Code-server and make VSCode working on an iPad browser.

Step 0: set environments

DOMAIN_NAME=""  # <-- NOTE: change it to the real domain name
LOCAL_PORT="8089"  # <-- Don't have to change. The local port code-server listens to
LOGIN_TOKEN="117ee8a170a32b7d0f90aa3b64946df92acdf99a"  # <-- CHANGE IT! Password to login into VSCode in browser

Step 1: deploy code-server (should be executed under the user other than root)

curl -fOL$VERSION/code-server_${VERSION}_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i code-server_${VERSION}_amd64.deb

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/code-server
auth: password
cert: false

sudo systemctl enable --now code-server@$USER
sudo systemctl start code-server@$USER

Step 2: install Nginx

sudo apt install -y nginx

server {
	listen 80;

	server_name $DOMAIN_NAME;
	root /usr/share/nginx/html;

	location / {
		proxy_set_header Host \$host;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

sudo mv .tmp-code-server.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enables/code-server

Step 3: configure HTTPS

We have to install certbot, and then run it.

Install certbot:

sudo bash -c 'apt update && apt install snapd && snap install --classic certbot'
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
sudo certbot --nginx

Choose the domain defined above, and let certbot do her job.


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